Yoalin 2021…

With Yoalin, CIPRA International and CIPRA’s Youth Council CYC want to promote a more climate-friendly, conscious and affordable mobility in the Alps.The first edition was carried out in Summer 2018 and it enables since then 100 selected young people to travel sustainably across the Alps by means of public transport in the summertime.

For 2021 Yoalin wants to promote sustainable travel again, find all the necessary information about the application on the new website: www.yoalin.org
A look back on 2020:
  • A photo contest in cooperation with the Alpine Convention
  • A map of yoalin proofed travel destinations
  • A hospitality list (meet somebody for a beer or offer your sofabed to others, and stay connected – of course, if the sanitary situation allows) – get it contact with us, if you are a former Yoalin and want to be added to this list and the internal page.
  • We developed useful print products and some merchandise for the next edition!
  • Stay connected on our Social Media channels: Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp (contact us for the internal Whatsapp-group or for news on the project)
  • And check out here the podcast produced in a framework of an online-session we hosted at the AlpWeek in December 2020, listen to it in this Podcast:



Read more about the experiences and have a look at the beautiful and stunning pictures of the “Yoalins”…

Contest Winners

Contest Winners

Take a look at the winners of the photo- and text-contest…

Closing event

Closing event

All the yoalin-travelers were invited to the closing event in Bern/CH…

Impressions from Yoalin 2019

A project of the CIPRA Youth Council & CIPRA International

Promoted by: signatory States of the Alpine Convention

Financial support: Swiss Federal Office for Spatial Development, RHW foundation, Austrian Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, Liechtenstein Office for Environment, German Ministry for Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety